
Where figments gather in rest

Warehouse April 9, 2013

Filed under: Short Stories — jonahvenegas17 @ 12:59 pm
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This is another short story I wrote for a contest…which I’m not nearly as proud of as the vampire one.
I actually really dislike it…but I might as well put it somewhere.
The prompt: Write a scene of 250 words or less about a shapeshifter.

The footsteps grew closer and closer then stopped abruptly. Erin’s eyes darted around the dark warehouse as she tried vainly to slow her breathing. She swore the whole world could hear her racing heartbeat. Beside her, Ari, her older sister seemed perfectly calm.

“Ari!” she cried in a harsh whisper, her voice shuddering.

“It’ll be alright,” Ari assured her. “You know what to do.”

Erin gasped when she heard the shuffle of footsteps stop dangerously close to them. “I can’t!”

“Do it. We’ll escape,” Ari’s eyes shot to the entrance of the room. A soldier in a SWAT-like uniform patrolled the far end of the room. “There! Focus on that image.”

Her breathing picked up, almost rivaling her heartbeat. Slowly her appearance morphed to match that of the soldier, black uniform and all. However, looking at Ari, her eyes still betrayed her rough appearance, but Ari only nodded to her.

“Here,” Erin called, her voice having become low and gruff.

The soldier at the end of the room motioned for the rest of the unit. As they entered the room, Erin kicked away the crates concealing her sister.

“Where are we taking her?” Erin questioned as the soldiers approached Ari.

“Nowhere.” Three gunshots rang out before Erin could even process what was happening. Scarlet sprayed on her face. In front of her, Ari’s body lay slumped against the corner of the wall with three crimson holes blown into her body, the life fading away.

“Ari…” But she was gone.